Monday, December 15, 2008

More vids and More recording info!

Well, me and Kirkman had a decent session yesterday, and I'm currently uploading whatever we have on that. Again, like I said in the videos, I'm very sorry we lost the position we were at before. Honestly though, you didn't miss much...

All you really have to do is pelt him in the face long enough for him the cry uncle and run away like a coward drone. And that doesn't take very long. In fact, in the recording our controls were turned off, so we ended up standing there taking his hits while we were fixing the situation, and by the time we got them we had one hit left. We pelted him like nuts and he lost before he could finish us off. True story. Probably the easiest "boss fight" in the game, if you can truly call that a boss fight without snickering at how pathetically easy it was.

Anyways, new update on the recording device! I found this while looking at an online catalog for a tv tuner at a store I've never been to, but know has a god rep for cheap prices and good merch:

Ain't she a beaut? When they call me back about securing one for me, they'll reserve it 'till I can go over there and pick it up. The bonus to this is I'll be playing it directly on my computer monitor instead of my tv, and the resolution is promised to be sharper, not to mention no lag in recording. Guess this means streaming is a good possibility now.

Anywho, still putting the vids together, so keep your eyes peeled, and post your responses!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Update on Trip and Recordings.

Update on my trip! I have the details of it, we'll be leaving the morning of the 23rd and returning the day of the 27th; Meaning, there will be no updates or recordings for that week in its entirety.

Right now we have thirty videos done for JFG! But as I type this update, Youtube is undergoing maintenance, and we won't be able to update until later tonight. Keep you eyes peeled!

We will hopefully be doing another recording session tomorrow, and I'm expected to get money on the 20th for the TV Tuner I am anxiously waiting for. I still haven't confirmed if I have enough for a better quality one than I originally intended to get, (very inexpensive, but also very low-quality) but I'm sure as hell not going to let that get in my way! The day I get the money I'll go out and look at the prices at the stores, and if I can afford it, I'll get it, and try to record before leaving on my trip.

Monday, December 1, 2008

First Post! And news of current and future exploits.

Hiya guys! Turp here. Just here to tell you abit about how we structure our recording scheduals, and what we have in store for future videos.

As you can see, we try and maintain a weekly upload basis. (of which we've been lacking in, but we're trying to get back on routine after being gone so long) We usually record for about an hour a day, and recording days are usually Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. (Mondays and Saturdays if we're lucky) Now, I don't know about you guys, but I tend to get lazy on the off-days, and I usually either get them done and/or uploaded on or before the weekend. Now that you have that in mind, you can use that information to blacklist us if we don't fulfill our quota!

Now, onto future events.

I've been wailing lately about this new TV Tuner I'm planning on getting. Well, I now have the money, and I'm just trying to get in touch with the friend that's selling it. All I need to do is wait for him to reply, try the gizmo out on my laptop, and if it works, we're in business!

One thing I'd LOVE to LP once I get the device is a little game called Phantasy Star Online 1&2 PLUS. It's got to be one of my most favourite series to date, and PLUS being my current favourite of the series. (we'll get back to you once I try Zero when it comes out for the DS) I'll try as best I can to walk you through the storyline, since my only character that I work on alone is still in the double digits, so I still can't (and sure as hell won't try getting myself butt-raped to) enter the higher difficulties to show you all the differences, but I'll try to power-level during the off-days so I can introduce the differences when I get through the main storyline. I'll also try and do a mini-series for terms and stuff before the game starts so you aren't left in the dark when I start talking about anything you don't currently understand before viewing. *User head-pat*

The 1&2 of the game being PSO 1 and 2 packaged together, I'll be running through 2 blind since my friend sagely advised me to tackle it on even the lowest difficulty with a higher-level character back in the day. The playthroughs will also be 1P, since storyline doesn't allow for multiplayer. This means no Kirkman, he can still comment, but it'll be ALL me when it comes to gameplay.

Once I'm absolutely sure of getting a working tuner, I'll be posting my list of games in the event that you guys want me to play something else I own. Heck, if you send me the game, I may decide to play and record.

Last news is we'll be away for the holidays, more specifically myself. I don't know yet how long the trip will be, or what days I will be away, but know that there won't be any LP's done while I am away.

More news about trip plans as they happen.

God bless.